Differences between powershell and command prompt. Differences between Powershell andCMD. The Command Prompt, very familiar to computers with the Windows operating system, allows computer users to perform operations quickly they cannot do with the interface. In this way, operations such as performance optimization, mass file deletion, and network control can be performed on the computer. However, Powershell, which joined the Windows world in the 2000s, takes this one step further and emerges as a command script that can work directly with modern programs and visual interfaces and is a kind of successor to the veteran Command Prompt program of the years.
Windows operating system users familiar with both may still be deciding which command scripting environment to use. This article will solve this problem with a detailed comparison between Powershell and Command Prompt.
Table of Contents
Differences between Powershell and Command Prompt

Operating System Compatibility
The Command Prompt has continued its life as a part of MS-DOS and then as a part of the Windows operating system and has survived to the present day. The Command Prompt, which continues to exist as of Windows 11 and is a standard operating system feature, is software that runs only on MS-DOS and Windows operating systems. The fact that different operating systems have command prompts makes the possibility of using the Command Prompt program in Windows in other operating systems invalid and unnecessary.
The Powershell command script is based on Microsoft .NET and runs on Windows XP and higher operating systems. Thanks to Powershell Core, which is based on .NET Core, Powershell commands can be run on Linux operating systems. This allows the other advantages of the Powershell command script to be used on multiple operating systems.
Differences between Powershell and CMD with Syntax
Differences between Powershell and Command Prompt The Command Prompt, which dates back to the 80s when the BASIC language was dominant, has a simple enough syntax to be the equivalent of BASIC. The Command Prompt contains simple commands, functions, and goto constructs. It can be used to develop small and medium-sized scripting programs, allowing for fast execution of operations that are much more difficult to do with a small interface.
Powershell has a syntax close to that of modern programming languages (such as C#). In addition to function typing, if-else if-else constructs, switch-case constructs, and command scripts that use objects through classes can be written in the style that someone who has written programs in the .NET architecture is used to. Powershell works with cmdlets and allows users to register their cmdlets. In addition, Powershell can execute all the commands running in the Command Prompt, allowing a smooth transition from the Command Prompt to Powershell.
In addition, Powershell can recognize and execute programs and commands in Bash.
Parameters and Data Exchange
Differences between Powershell and Command Prompt with parameters. Data exchange with the Command Prompt is shallow and can be done with simple methods such as transferring parameters from one .bat program to another .bat program. Powershell, on the other hand, uses the power of the .NET architecture to exchange data with objects. While the Command Prompt can only exchange data with string-type parameters and a limited number of variables, Powershell is not subject to these restrictions.
Integrated Coding Environment
Differences between Powershell and Command Prompt with coding. The most common way to write a Command Prompt program is Notepad. However, Notepad has no syntax definitions, so syntax checking is impossible. Free Command Prompt programs available on the Internet
Scripting programs are available but are all third-party, and many can be buggy. Powershell is much more fortunate because it has an Integrated Scripting Environment built into the Windows operating system.
This integrated scripting environment allows you to write code on one screen and test it on another screen so you can find out if your code works or where it needs to be fixed before it is released.
Note: There is an official plugin in Visual Studio Code for writing Command Prompt programs.
Visual Programming
Differences between Powershell and Command Prompt With Visual Programming. he Command Prompt and “visual programming” are not usually used in the same sentence. This is because the Command Prompt itself does not allow visual programming. The most visual programming that can be done with the Command Prompt is to output a message box, which is not available in the Home versions of Windows. In contrast, you can import System.Windows.Forms into Powershell and design advanced visual interfaces like in regular Visual Studio. This feature of Powershell is reminiscent of Python’s tkinter library. Still, whereas tkinter is a library that needs to be downloaded later, Powershell has this capability by default as a . NET-based command script.
PowerShell | Command prompt | |
Included on Windows? | Yes (Windows PowerShell) | Yes |
Outputs | Objects | Text |
Cross platform? | Yes | No |
Command chaining? | Yes (pipeline) | No |
Script files | .ps1 | .bat, .cmd |
Extendable? | Yes, through modules | Yes, through executables |
Command help | Standard help framework | Custom for each command |
Native .NET integration? | Yes | No |
Scripting environment? | Yes (ISE, VS Code) | No |
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Howfixes. Powershell and Command Prompt are two command scripting programs in the Windows operating system today. Both command scripts allow users to perform more difficult operations through the standard interface efficiently. Powershell even eliminates this problem by enabling the user to design an interface to achieve these operations. These features make Powershell a true successor to the Command Prompt. However, the Command Prompt, with its ease of use and the commands that can be executed, as well as the command scripts that the traditional Windows operating system user is more accustomed to, will likely be with us for at least a while longer.
Therefore, in this case, it is usual for users who want to write simple command scripts to prefer Command Prompt and for users who have advanced themselves in Command Prompt but want to take it further to like Powershell.